

CAS Number: 57-13-6

Grade: USP

Packaging: Bag

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CAS Number: 57-13-6

Grade: USP

Packaging: Bag


Urea, also known as carbamide, is an organic compound, the main nitrogenous waste product in the metabolic breakdown of proteins in animals and some fish.

Chemical Formula: CO(NH2)₂

CAS Number: 57-13-6

Grade: USP

Appearance: White crystalline solid.


  • Defrosting agent: In some situations, it is used as a concentrated solution of urea and can be used as a de-icing agent for roads and airports.

  • Fertilizer: The primary use of urea is as a nitrogen fertilizer. It is a readily available and highly soluble source of nitrogen, essential for plant growth.

  • Livestock feed: In some cases, urea can be used as a protein supplement in livestock feed.

Industries and Common Applications:

  • Chemical industry Used in various applications like adhesives, coatings, and molded products.

  • Automotive industry: In some specialized applications, urea can be used in emission control systems to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from diesel engines.