Trichloroacetic Acid


CAS Number: 76-03-9

Grade: ACS

Packaging: Plastic Drum

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CAS Number: 76-03-9

Grade: ACS

Packaging: Plastic Drum

Trichloroacetic Acid

Trichloroacetic acid is a strong organic acid with a corrosive that readily absorbs moisture from the air.

Chemical Formula: C₄H₆O₄

CAS Number: 76-03-9

Grade: ACS

Appearance: A colorless crystalline solid


  • Chemical Reagent: Generally used as a chemical reagent or catalyst in organic reactions, including esterification.

  • Bioprocessing: In biotechnology and bioprocessing industries, TCA can be used as a protein precipitant or cell disruptor to extract intracellular proteins, and enzymes.

Industry and Common Applications:

  • Chemical Industry: It serves as a building block for the synthesis of esters, amides, and other organic derivatives.

  • Cosmetics and Personal Care Industry: It is used as an intermediate or raw material in the production of various organic compounds, such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and specialty chemicals. It serves as a building block for the synthesis of esters, amides, and other organic derivatives.