

CAS Number: 67-56-1

Grade: ACS, Tech

Packaging: Various

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CAS Number: 67-56-1

Grade: ACS, Tech

Packaging: Various


Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol or wood alcohol, is a simple and widely used organic compound.

Chemical Formula: CH₃OH

CAS Number: 67-56-1

Grade: ACS, Tech

Appearance: Colourless liquid with a distinctive alcoholic odor.


  • Solvent: A versatile solvent used in various industrial processes such as paint and ink production, resin manufacturing, and pharmaceutical processes.

  • Gasoline Additive: Methanol can be blended with gasoline as a fuel additive, particularly for racing fuels.

  • Biodiesel Production: A component in the production of biodiesel fuel from renewable sources.

  • Antifreeze and Deicing Agent: It is used as an antifreeze additive in automotive cooling systems to lower the freezing point of engine coolant and prevent engine damage in cold climates.