Isopropyl Alcohol


CAS Number: 67-63-0

Grade: USP, Tech

Packaging: Metal Drum

Synonyms: IPA

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CAS Number: 67-63-0

Grade: USP, Tech

Packaging: Metal Drum

Synonyms: IPA

Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol, also called 2-propanol or isopropanol, is a widely used organic compound. It is the simplest branched-chain isomer of propanol (a three-carbon alcohol).

Chemical Formula: C₁₉H₃₈O₂

CAS Number: 67-63-0

Grade: USP, Tech

Appearance: A colorless liquid.


  • Antiseptic: A common ingredient in rubbing alcohol solutions (typically 60-70% concentration) for topical disinfection. It helps kill bacteria and other microorganisms on the skin.

  • Solvent and Cleaner: A versatile solvent for cleaning electronics, appliances, tools, and various surfaces. It can remove grease, dirt, and some residues.

  • Dehydrating Agent: It is used for its ability to absorb water, making it useful for drying electronic components or certain industrial processes.

Industry and Common Applications:

  • Pharmaceutical Industry: It is used for disinfecting skin before injections, surgeries, and medical procedures.

  • Printing Industry: Limited use in some printing processes for cleaning printing plates or inks.

  • Cosmetics and personal care products: It is used in cosmetics and personal care products such as lotions, creams, and aftershaves as a solvent and carrier for active ingredients and fragrances.